# ハートむせん合同会社 Heart Musen LLC - Launching Local 5G station in our head office

Launching Local 5G station in our head office

Gepubliceerd op 15 juli 2021 (Laatst gewijzigd op 21 april 2023) • 1 min leestijd • 76 woorden

The flagship project of our company.

Launching Local 5G station in our head office

Obtain advantage our tiny company in rural area

  • Fortunately or unfortunatly, our company is not provided with wide-band wired network.
  • So it is the chance to launch the local 5G with combination with 4G.
  • This is the project just started in 2023. Now reseaching the device and design network link.

Sufficient liscence to install local 5G

  • We are the RF engineer authorized by Japan, so we obtain the experience of developing Local 5G from now on.
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